Network Medien-Stark Hachenburg

The idea behind the foundation

For children and young people, media are a natural part of their lives. A distinction between the analogue and digital world is often no longer made - everything is somehow connected to smartphones, consoles, tablets, etc.

This poses great challenges for educators and teachers. On the one hand, because the digital world is changing rapidly, one trend follows the next and it is difficult to keep track of everything and remain approachable for adolescents. On the other hand, information about risks, dangers and downsides of the brave new media world accumulates. How can we protect and support children and young people?

Because one thing is certain - the next generation has to know its way around the media world. For that, they need the guidance of adults.

How nice it would be to have a strong partner for children, young people, educators and teachers on the spot!

That's what we thought, too, and without further ado we founded a network of institutions in Hachenburg that are experts in media education and in the needs of children, young people and families. 

Together we want to be this strong partner for you. Our goal is to enable children and young people to deal with digital media in a reflective, critical and productive way. Our concern is to strengthen and support parents! After all, media education is a major challenge these days, but one that we can successfully master together.

For that reason, we want to offer events, projects and ideas for children, young people, parents, teachers/educators and families as a whole.

We are very much looking forward to great projects! We are always open to questions, requests and suggestions!

Feel free to contact us!


The initiators of the network:

The Hachenburg branch of the Kinderschutzbund (Child Protection Association) 

Medien-Leuchtturm - Michaela Weiß

Family Centre of the City of Hachenburg

Protestant Family Centre

Catholic Family Centre

Youth Centre Hachenburg

Prevention Office Ronja

Hachenburg Public Library


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